After a breakfast of dumplings, yams, rice and warm, and what can only be described as “Tang”, we set off to walk the streets of Shanghai.  My first impressions are not unlike my impressions of New York City.  A large, bustling center of commerce with streets filled with vendors and shopkeepers. Narrow side streets make way to wide pedestrian only boulevards filled with shoppers and tourists and although we look somewhat out of place, we certainly don’t feel that way.  The Chinese people are friendly and willing to help, trying to use the English they do know to help us find our way, or find what we are looking for.

There are information booths welcoming World Exposition visitor along many streets in downtown Shanghai.  The workers at these booths are able to speak English, which we have found helpful.

We stopped into a shopping center to buy a Chinese cell phone.  This shopping center looked like any Macy’s in any large U.S. metropolitan city, with floors upon floors of goods.

While we have lots more to explore, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are extremely thrilled to be here, and excited to learn about this incredible country.

Scooters and motor bikes are everywhere in this city. Street lights are a mere suggestion for drivers to stop.

Street side cafe in Shanghai

This wide pedestrian friendly boulevard has many shopping centers.

Chinese students on a field trip in Shanghai.

These motor bikes were parked outside of a police station. Wonder if they are all on break.